Didn't i?Hehe... Yeah i did not but im about to tell u, i mean to share with u about this news. Promise not to scream( if u like the news) or slap( if u think im lame) ok?
I am going to watch Usher tonite at Bukit Jalil!
Oh yeah!

Don't hate me but love me instead =) I'll bring your spirit together with me tonite. So, we can watch his performance together. I wish he will sing My Boo. Hopefully kan? By the way, which songs do u like from his collection?
The clock is ticking. Tick Tock Tick (Bukan lagu Keisha yer.Harap maklum). I can't wait to enjoy myself since my class will start this weekend. So my leisure time is limited. Boring kan? Well, life must go on. Lagipun, InsyaAllah this will be final semester. Pray for me and i will be more than happy =)
Will update more on Usher's Concert tomorrow. Daa~
Eh, chup..one more thing. F21 thanks for this. I like it!

nota kaki: Pesan beliau, " Pakai jeans panjang yer......". Hehe~
aku nak tmbah lagi 1 pesanan. jangan pakai seksi2 ye hehehe
saya menyokong semua pesanan di atas..hik2
terima kasih di atas pesanan penaja itu. saya mematuhi piawai yg ditetapkan oleh kerajaan =p
haha..siap ader amaran dari cikgu tu...hikhik
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