Monday, January 27, 2014

When we started to dedicate to each other...

It was last year, around this time when i received a phone call from him. "Tune to TV3. I dedicate this song to you". It was Anugerah Juara Lagu and Hafiz is singing Ku Akui that time. Guess what? Not knowing why but tears starts to glide on my cheek. Cis! Not pretty at all. To make it worst, i was with my prospect, having dinner in a restaurant with full of people. Worsen, my prospect couldn't take...
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Saturday, December 21, 2013

This is why i call them "besties"!

Just a short one. Was at Emma's house for her engagement with her beau. You surely pretty much do not have any idea on how happy my friends and i to witness her engagement. It is not just a ceremony but a one level up before getting married. Sobs. Nasib la tak Ema tu asik gelak je...cemana nak touching. Truly happy  for her. She took quite a long time to open up her heart to...
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Under the weather.

Its the season where many of us might fall sick. You can blame the weather. Anything. Up to you. However, just a little advice from me. (Because i me!) Drink plenty of water. Ah, in this case may i suggest you to drink mineral water instead of tap water. Safer. Eat nutritious food. Avoid oily food and those food that is too complex and hard to digest.  Enough rest for your...
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Monday, December 16, 2013


Been thinking hard on what actually happened on last weekend.  I was coughing quite bad and had no choice but to wake up. It was 6.00am in the morning, i remember. In the dark, my hand started searching for my meds supply. Then i coughed again. I coughed about 3 times and stop. When suddenly i heard the 4th cough. It wasnt me! It wasn't my sister either! Gulp! There was no one else in the...
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Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Lost Soul

It has been a while since i last posted my entry.  It has been a journey to find back my lost soul in writing and almost everything. Everything seems to be in a mess before and i just couldn't clean those mess.....alone. Yet, the mess is still there, some of it, part of it. In the same time, i have another mess waiting to be cleaned up. A new one. Duh! With...
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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dia yang berkorban.

Satu pengorbanan untuk kebahagian orang lain adalah sesuatu yang mulia. Namun, tidak semua pengorbanan itu membahagiakan. Kadang-kadang tak membahagiakan kedua-dua pihak pun. Makin banyak duka dari melihat bahagia. Bagi aku, yang penting ialah jangan cepat mengalah. Andai di landa badai....andai di pukul taufan...berdirilah teguh bersama pendirian kita. Carilah bahagia. Jangan putus asa. Kalau...
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Monday, October 7, 2013

Teropong sket!

Jom kita teropong sket nak? Bukan skodeng yang bukan-bukan. Tapi nak teropong keadaan kulit aku secara dekat. Tapi gambar ni ade make up la. Cume nak cakap, kulit aku bukanlah mulus. Nampak jugak bijik bijik. Lepas ni kite upload gambar tanpa make up. Ade bran? ;) ...
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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sewaktu di dalam kereta, tiba-tiba...

Tiba-tiba ternampak adik aku, Azreen tengah sedap bergambar. Lepas tu macam teringin nak tumpang sekaki. Haha. Ape lagi, lepas tu berpuluh puluh gambar le yang aku snap. Seronok! Seronok sbb dapat syok sendiri. Dalam pada tu sempat juga, tangan-tangan yang dengki cuba merosakkan gambar vain aku. Namun hasrat mereka gagal. Sorry ya! Lagipun bukan sekadar syok sendiri je, dapat jugelah membunuh...
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