Kami =)
A year ago, on the date of 4th May...we become an item. Today, it has been a year (lebih kut..) since we shared our life together. Happiness, Sorrow, Laughters, Joy, Tears...We've taste the bitter-sweet love...Love is like coffee, the bitter-sweet taste makes it better!
I want to shout out loud and clear that......I LOVE U! I LOVE My KHAIRUDDIN (^_^)v
To my dearest love,
You dont have to say that u love me...cuz u already said it million of times. But the one that u said yesterday...really makes me touched(habis eyeliner sy!)! Only both of us (and those at Italiannies) knew what happened and what u did to me...It is very sweet of u...I'll keep that secret forever ( except for the part that u said i love u in front of all the patrons...loud n clear). Hehe......readers, please dont barf ok!
Happy Anniversary Kamoo...~

Nanak nakal-nakal okayh~
hmm,u dont wanna share with us?what really chekgu did to u on ur anniversary?hmm...nak tau nina!!!!
kennot kennot =p~
nina.....am happy to see u like this..it is worth to be alone for 2years rite...hope that both of u will stay like this forever and ever....and nankak seksi meksi sangat okey..chekguuu..sila amik perhatian!
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